Lamb Rules & Entries
1. Exhibitors are allowed to bring up to two single market lambs and 2 ewe breed lambs and 2 prospect lambs for a total of 6 lambs.
2. Each lamb exhibitor must own his/her show animals by March 1 of current year and give them personal care and supervision.
3. Only Lambs born after June 1, 2024 with at least one milk tooth present are eligible to show.
4. Only wethers and ewe lambs are eligible to compete. No short scrotum lambs are allowed.
5. All lambs must have state issued scrapies tag in ear at the time of weigh in.
6. The minimum weight will be 100 lbs. There is no maximum weight, however the exhibitor will only be paid sale price up to 150 pounds.
7. All lambs to be weighed with blankets off when they arrive on the fairgrounds. Animals will be weighed once. If there is any question, the scales will be re-balanced and the animal will be re-weighed immediately. This weight will be the sale weight.
8. No wet lambs will be weighed.
9. Market Lambs are to be pre-tagged, in the right ear, at home. No tagging will be done at weigh-in. Lambs will not be permitted to weigh without a Jr. Show tag in place. If a market lamb is moved into the prospect class, the market tag will be removed.
10. All lambs will be shown by weight.
11. Lambs may be washed at the show in the designated areas. Fleece length not to exceed ¾”. No slick shearing of lambs following weigh-in. Only touch-ups allowed.
12. Lambs with surgically altered tails into the vertebrae shall be disqualified. All docked tails must be healed and free of scabs. This will be determined by two barn superintendents. The exhibitor has the right to appeal this decision with the Jr. Show Board of Directors.
13. All lambs will be vet checked for lice, ticks, open sores/lesions, sore mouth, fungus, visible prolapse, foot rot/scald and other medical criteria pertaining to sheep. If any of the above listed are found, the lamb must be removed from the fairgrounds immediately.
14. All trimming and tack shall be limited to area(s) designated by the Show Management.
15. All exhibitors’ pens must be cleared by the barn superintendent before leaving fairgrounds.
16. Unless prior arrangements have been made with barn superintendents, ewes and prospect lambs will be released following the Saturday sale.
17. No MUZZLING on Jr. Show Premises.
18. Lambs may be shown with halters or cables, except for Fitting and Showing.
1. The minimum weight is 60 pounds. The same lamb cannot be shown in both Ewe and Market classes.
2. Breed animals will not have Jr. Show ear tags but must have scrapies tags. Ewe lamb designated for the breed class will not go through the sale.
3. 4-H and FFA may be combined at the discretion of the barn superintendent depending on the number of entries.
Bred, Born & Raised dam of exhibited ewe lamb must be in possession of the exhibitor at the time of birth of the ewe lamb. The ewe lamb must have been bred and raised at the residence of the exhibitor or a family member. Bred, Born, & Raised ewe lamb must be tagged with the State or Federal scrapie tag issued to the exhibitor or an immediate family member. Additional entry form with below information is required to be submitted at time of entry.
Information provided is subject to verification.
● This will be a separately judged class
● Lambs to be born after September 1, 2024 and weigh over 60 pounds to be eligible.
● Lambs by be cross entered in the Ewe Class (with entry fee), but no cross entering with Market Class
● Exhibitors are limited to enter ONE animal in this class
● Each participant must have the following at the registration check in: Printed proof the individual has been assigned the Federal Scrapie Tag
o To document the scrapie number ownership, call USDA at 866-873-2824. After the representative has verified your information, they will email confirmation of ownership. Bring hard copy of this communication to check-in.
The prospect lambs WILL NOT be ear tagged.
1.This is a contest for lambs that are designated to be shown at a later show in 2024. The lamb shown as a prospect lamb cannot return to the show in future years to be entered or shown as a market lamb.
2. Prospect lambs will be judged by weight.
3. Lambs have to have been born after September 1, 2024, to be eligible.
4. Prospect lambs must weigh a minimum of 60 pounds.
5. No prospect lambs will go through the sale.
6. All prospect lambs are to be entered with the regular entries. The exception being any lamb previously entered as a market lamb that does not meet the 100 lb minimum weight can be moved to the prospect lamb class.
7. A lamb cannot be entered in both prospect and market.
8. 4-H and FFA may be combined at the discretion of barn superintendent depending on number of entries.
Premium awards will be made to exhibitors on the basis of points earned in each ribbon group. A monetary value will be given for each point awarded.