Thank you for being part of our annual Benefit Auction!
Please contact Lori at 509-650-7018 with any questions regarding your bill or donation.
Contributions are still welcome by using our Donation Form to mail a check or click the Donate button below.
Mark your calendar to join us February 21, 2026 at the Spokane Co. Fair & Expo Center for our annual event!
Can’t make the auction?
You can easily make a donation with the link below. Every dollar goes back to the kids in one way or another. Donations are tax-deductible. Thank you for your support!
Thank you to all who support the Junior Livestock Show of Spokane! We are very grateful for your generous contributions and are excited for the next generation of leaders.
4W Ranch
Ag Enterprise Supply
AgWest Farm Credit
Anna Sapone Annette Anderson - WA Floral
Basin Feed & SupplyBison Tires
Bloss Ranch Cattle Co.
Bobbi PetersBrandy Hill
Buddi Williams
Buzz & Maribeth Kjack
Carlena SchlunegerCascade Ag Solutions
Charlotte Sellin
Cheryl Gould
Cindy Lyden
Clint & Patti Marvel
Cordelio Power / Tenaska
CT Myers Farm
Country Store
Cuesta Springs Ice Co.
Damon & Morgane Roth
Dave & JoAnn Tegge
Dave & Sharon Hannas
Debbie Gauvin
Deer Park FFA
Deer Park FFA Boosters
Diane Baye
Dominique Dorn
Double Tree by Hilton
East Downing Farm
East Valley FFA
Elizabeth Gunner
ElJay Oil
Eric & Debbie Keller K6 Ranches
Erica Guhlke
Ethan Sugimura
Austin Ness
Farmers Insurance - Courtney Smith
Fitzner Farms
Frog Hollow 4-H
Fusion Seed Co.
Gary Bye
Gettin' Grit 4-H Club
Green Acres Sheep Club
Greg & Brenda Peterson
H&S Services
In Memory of Carl Grub
Inland Northwest Catering
J&M Fabrication
Jennifer Follensbe-Moss
Jewelry Design Center
Jim & Lynn Cotter
Joe & Lisa Davis
John & Magen Keeling
Kasey Wolf
Katie's Massage Therapy & Assoc.
Kelsey & Baylee Voss
Kent & Tracey Korthuis
Kim Brown
Kris Budde
Lacrosse All Purpose 4-H Club
Landon & Alyssa Williams
Latah Creek Winery
Leffel, Otis & Warwick, PS
Legend Rock Design Colfax
Les Schwab Tires
Lind Lions Club
Lind-Ritzville FFA
Lyle Sugimura
Mahn Farms
Marci Dayton
Marie Power
Mark & Traci Magers
Mark Peterson
Marlena Falk
Mary Guhlke
Maureen Bourne
McGuire, DeWulf, Kragt & Johnson P.S.
Michael & Keegan Potesky
Mike & Gina Whitman
Mountain Empire Vet
Mountain View Custom Meats
Nancy McRae
No-Li Brewhouse
Nordic Smoke BBQ
North 40 Outfitters
North Country 4-H
Onecho United 4-H
PAC Insurance Group
Pape' Machinery
Pathways Mercantile
Pomeroy FFA
R&M Exterminators
Reardan FFA
Reardan FFA Boosters
Reardan Livestock 4-H Club
Rich & Sandy Moos
Rita Guhlke
Ritzville Earthworks
Ritzville Livestock 4-H Club
Ritzville Warehouse Co. / OTC / AgVantage
Ron & April VanDyke
Rustic Star Colfax
Ryan Excavation
Sara Rene Consulting
Schafer Livestock
Scott Donahoe
Spangle Saloon
Spangle Service Club
Spokane Co Farm Bureau
Spokane Co. Fair & Expo Center
Spokane Indians Baseball Club
Spokane Power Stroke
Spring Creek Grange
Springdale FFA
Stan & Jill Schwartz
Steele Components & AMMO
Stehr Livestock
Steve & Colleen Mussetter
Steve & Holly Ledgerwood
Tammmy & Aaron McIntosh
Texas Refinery Corp
The Fowler Group
The McGregor Company
Triple Play
Tucker Cool
Umpqua Bank
US Linen
West Plains Ag Boosters
West Plains Rangers 4-H
Wheatland Boarding Kennel
Whittney Stauffer
Wilbur-Ellis Co.
Wilcox Cattle
WSU Extension Large Animal Committee
Yokes Fresh Market
Zach & Bailey St. John
Alyx & Jared Cory (Cory Stock Co)
Angela Barta
BNK Cattle
Brad & Jamie Williams
Brendon Lyngstrod
Dan Hopkins
Dave Cornwall
Gary & Linda Bailey
Hannas Farms
HR Angus
Joe Eaton
Joe Schluneger
Josh Clements
Justin Ziebell
Kyle Lesser
Leffel, Otis & Warwick, PS
Lizzy Sartin Real Estate
Mary Guhlke
Mattea Nelson (H&S Services)
Midnight Farms
Mighty Clean Air Ducts
Mike & Gina Whitman
Miranda Lasz
Rich Koler (Avista)
Rod Howe (Avista)
Rolling Hills Farms
Tammy McLustosh
The McGregor Company
Tim Watts
Wilcox & Family Cattle Co
Wild, Wicked & Western
Cultivating Youth. Promoting Livestock.
Make it stand out.
Youth Matter.
It’s all about the kids. Every dollar raised goes back to the kids in one way or another. We take pride in the partnerships made with donors to help make it possible for us to give our scholarships, award premium money to the youth exhibitors, and offer a first-class showing experience for 4-H and FFA kids.
The Legacy.
This incredible show would not be possible without the support of our committed donors and annual buyers. We count on our friends from the Spokane area and extended agricultural community to help us ensure the longevity of the Junior Livestock Show of Spokane.