1. Each exhibitor is allowed to bring up to two single market hogs, up to 10 gilts, and one carcass barrow.

2. Market hogs will be sorted by visual appearance into a breed classification. All decisions of the classifications will be made final by the swine superintendent (access breed classifications HERE.).

3. Each exhibitor must own their market hog(s) by February 1st of the current show year and give them personal care and supervision from that time on.

4. Market Hogs: Hogs must weigh between 230 lbs and 300 lbs to be eligible for the Swine Market show and sale. Animals will be weighed once. If there is any question, the scales will be re-balanced and the animal will be re-weighed immediately.

5. Hogs not meeting the market weight requirement will be entered in Fitting and Showing only and are not eligible to be in the market sale. All hogs not going through the sale must be checked out by the barn superintendent Friday between 5:30 - 8 pm. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of the animal and it will become property of the Junior Livestock Show of Spokane.

6. At the discretion of the Swine Superintendent(s), a hog will be disqualified if it shows evidence of: being bred, scarred, hernia, foul sheath, sores, bruises, cryptorchidism, or blemishes that impair the carcass.

7. ONLY cordless clippers are allowed in the barn. No extension cords.

8. No buckets or pans are to be left unattended in the hog pens. Capped waterers and/or fixed feeders are allowed.

9. All pens are to be cleaned according to the rules set forth by the Swine Superintendent(s).


Each class of market hogs, as classified, will be judged separately by weight.

Premium awards will be made to exhibitors on the basis points earned in each ribbon group.  A monetary value will be given for each point awarded.


The Gilt Contest gives 4-H and FFA producers an opportunity to show their gilts in a contest where they will be judged on their quality as a breeding gilt as opposed to a market hog.

1. Each exhibitor is allowed to bring a maximum of 10 gilts.

2. Each exhibitor must own their gilt by April 1 of the current show year and give them personal care and supervision from that time on.

3. Gilts are to be entered through the online registration process at juniorshow.org by April 1 of the current year. Late fees apply for entries made between April 1 and April 10. Entries made after April 10 will not be accepted.

4. Gilts will be sorted by visual appearance into a breed classification. All decisions of the classification will be made final by the swine superintendent (breed classifications are available at juniorshow.org/hogs).

5. Gilts will be sorted by weight, Judge’s discretion on call back numbers.

6. Max weight is 350 pounds.

7. At the discretion of the Swine Superintendent(s), a hog will be disqualified if it shows evidence of: being bred, scarred, hernia, sores, bruises, or blemishes.

8. Gilts will be released by the barn superintendent on Friday between 5:30-8 pm. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of the animal and it will become property of the Junior Livestock Show of Spokane.


1. All carcass barrows will be weighed by Kelli Weber (509-338-5900) between January 10 and January 31 of the current year. No barrow can weigh over 80 lbs. at beginning weight. When weighed-in at Jr. Show minimum scale weight will be 230 lbs. with no maximum top weight.

2. Carcass barrows will be identified with ear tags and tattooed at the Jr. Show prior to slaughter. Any exhibitor caught switching animals will be immediately disqualified and banned from future participation in the Carcass Barrow Contest. The Carcass Barrow committee reserves the right to notify the Board of Directors regarding any said incident.

3. Carcass barrow entry forms are due in the Jr. Show office by February 28 of current year. The carcass barrow entry fee and other entry fees are due to the Jr. Show Office by April 1 of current year. Remember to enter this class through the online process.

4. Absolutely no clipping of carcass barrows.

5. All exhibitors must pre-sell their carcass barrow before the show and the Memorandum Agreement and Carcass Cutting Instructions including buyer’s name, address, telephone number and email address must be submitted to the Jr. Show office with entry form or to members of the carcass committee at weigh-in or the barrow will not be entered.

6. It is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor to handle all financial transactions and disposition of the carcass and no responsibility shall fall on the Jr. Show, FFA Advisors, 4-H Leaders, or County Extension Agents.

7. The top 40 placed carcass barrows will be processed at the University of Idaho meats lab, with all carcass evaluation done by University of Idaho meats lab staff. If a carcass barrow does not place in the top 40 placings it will be the responsibility of the exhibitor to have the barrow processed at a facility of the buyer’s choice.

8. An exhibitor of a carcass barrow must have another animal (any species) entered in the current Jr. Show.

9. If for any reason the exhibitor is not allowed to participate in or is removed from Jr. Show, all of the benefits of the carcass show are null and void.

10. Carcasses will be disqualified from competition for:

  (1) Visual defects, (condemnation, excessive trimming, cryptorchidism and other objectionable traits resulting from poor management practices).

  (2) Adjusted carcass length less than 30 inches.

  (3) Adjusted LEA smaller than 4.5 square inches.

  (4) Adjusted rib fat thickness less than .6 and greater than 1.1 inches.

  (5) Hot carcass weight less than 160 lbs.

  (6) Unacceptable carcass quality (color, marbling and firmness score less than 2 -water scores as described in “Procedures to Evaluate Market Hog Performance”, 3rd Edition.).

  (7) Evidence of the use of unapproved drugs or hormones including beta-agonists and porcine somatotropin will result in disqualification. The Junior Livestock Show of Spokane reserves the right to use any appropriate biological test to detect the use of these substances.

11. For qualifying carcasses, the final ranking will be determined by pounds of fat free pork gain per day on test. Carcass length, LEA and length rib fat thickness measurements will be adjusted to 270 lbs. calculated live weight basis. The live weight used to adjust will be calculated by dividing the carcass weight by a standard 74% dressing yield.

12. All animals are subject to random testing at slaughter by the packer.

13. Premiums will be paid for carcass placing if all requirements listed are met.

Carcass Rate of Gain Contest

An additional bonus will be awarded to the top 3 average daily gains of qualified carcass barrows as based on the final carcass results.

1st place: $150

2nd place: $100

3rd place: $50

Carcass Lean Muscle Gain per Day

An additional bonus of $100 will be awarded to a qualified carcass that achieves over one pound of lean muscle gain per day as based on the final carcass results. If there is more than one barrow that accomplishes this gain the bonus will go to the highest lean muscle gain per day.  If no barrow accomplishes this the bonus will not be awarded.